Outgoing mobility Bachelor / Undergraduate

General information for School of Engineering students interested in participating in this exchange program, as well as for their Program Directors.

Get you language certification on time

To carry out a semester mobility at institutions in non-Spanish speaking countries, you will need a current certification in the language required by the host institution:
- English certification: exclusively TOEFL iBT scoring 80 or IELTS 6.5 overall, or the level/score indicated by the host institution if higher (overall and/or in a specific skill).
- Other languages: B2 level official certification or equivalent.

Make sure you have your certification before the call for applications is published. If you wait to obtain it until it is published, the short time they usually contemplate for the presentation of applications could make you face one or more of these inconveniences:
• Little or no availability of certification exam dates.
• Submitting the exam with more pressure than usual due to the rush.
• Uncertainty about the possible institution to contemplate or the level you will obtain. And less chances of participation because you did not reach the level required by an host institution.
• Obtaining results and/or certification after the closing date.
• Delays not contemplated by the certifying body for the issuance of official results and/or certification.

When should you obtain your certification?
Remember that language certifications are valid for a long period of time (two years for English, for example), so it is feasible to obtain it well in advance of the different calls for applications. If you are considering carrying out mobility during college it is recommended that you obtain your language certification in advance (considering its validity period), so that you will already have it when different calls for applications you are interested in are published

Keep in mind that the School’s Mobility Program promoted the existence of a way for these language certifications to serve, in addition, to release the language requirement for obtaining your degree. This is done through a Certificate of Equivalence of a certification that is processed at the School Administration Department (more information on their website).

Are other language certificates or certifications accepted?
For semester mobility, without exception, only the already mentioned certifications are accepted. However, for other types of mobility (e.g. short research stays), some calls also accept other certifications, as well as proof of language level (except for transcripts or proof of courses taken).
The level and type of certification and/or proof admitted will depend upon each call and/or the hosting institutions where the mobility will take place.
English language certifications must have been issued no more than two years ago.

How to apply?

Semester mobility

Verify the requirements of the call in which you would like to participate. In order for the School of Engineering to register you, it is first necessary to go through an internal authorization procedure (validation of requirements and academic authorization), carried out online through the SIMOVE system, with the participation and advice of the Program Director.

Internal procedure for each Call for Applications
Register your application at SIMOVE system

Stay mobility (research stay, academic stay, language course, etc.)

Verify the requirements of the call in which you would like to participate. In order for the School of Engineering to register you, it is first necessary to go through an internal authorization procedure made by the department responsible for mobility. In the call published on this site, it will be indicated whether the documentation is submitted for review through the SIMOVE system, or in person only.

Internal procedure for each Call for Applications
Register your application at SIMOVE system
Revalidation of courses due to mobility

As result for had carried out a semester abroad, it is mandatory to get proof of grades obtained while at the foreign institution (electronic file is required to initiate the process and physical file is required to complete it). Revalidation goes through SIMOVE system along to department in charge of your bachelor program and it goes through validation by Student Mobility Commission of the School of Engineering “Consejo Técnico” (Technical Council).

Desde el momento de la solicitud de movilidad, se establecerá en conjunto con la Coordinación de carrera, una propuesta de programa de asignaturas a cursar en la institución destino, indicando la equivalencia que se haría con las de su plan de estudios. Esta propuesta de asignaturas se actualizará en etapas posteriores (postulación e inscripción definitiva), resultando en el "dictamen de revalidación" al final de la estancia, cuando se cuente con las notas obtenidas. Las asignaturas de su plan de estudios incluidas en el dictamen, correspondientes a las inscritas y aprobadas en la otra institución, aparecerán en Historia Académica con la nota "RE" que significa "revalidada" y acumula créditos pero no tiene equivalencia numérica por lo que no altera promedio. Las correspondientes a las que no hayan sido aprobadas, aparecerán con la nota "NP.
Equivalence between courses

Convocatorias activas

Por el momento no hay convocatorias vigentes, te recomendamos estar al pendiente.
En el siguiente apartado podrás consultar requisitos y procedimiento de convocatorias anteriores. La información podrá servirte para conocer de antemano cómo se participaría en futuras convocatorias.

Convocatorias próximas a publicarse

Convocatoria Extraordinaria DGECI: Movilidad Estudiantil Internacional 2025-1 (Otoño 2024)
Cierre interno: 15 de febrero de 2024

Convocatoria complementaria a la anterior convocatoria general Otoño 2024.
Procedimiento para participar

Convocatoria de Becas UNAM-DGECI para Movilidad Estudiantil Nacional Semestre 2025-2 (Primavera 2025)
Cierre interno: 4 de septiembre de 2024

Procedimiento para participar

Convocatoria de "Becas UNAM-DGECI Iniciación a la Investigación (2024)"
Cierre interno: 4 de marzo de 2024

Se espera que esta convocatoria sea publicada en enero de 2025 para estancias de junio a octubre de 2025 (por confirmarse en la convocatoria que se emita). Se pueden consultar requisitos y procedimiento de la convocatoria anterior para familiarizarse con los mismos. Procedimiento para participar (año anterior para consulta de procedimiento y requisitos)

Estudiante visitante

Para estancias en instituciones sin convenio con la UNAM en que la persona interesada asume los costos de su movilidad.

Procedimiento para estudiante visitante

Convocatorias anteriores (cerradas)

Convocatoria general DGECI: lugares para Movilidad Estudiantil Internacional 2026-1 (Otoño 2025)
Cierre interno: 11 12 de noviembre de 2024
Si tú ya tienes avanzada tu solicitud no te esperes, finaliza lo más pronto posible para tener más tiempo para la revisión y posibles correcciones que debas hacer.

Procedimiento para participar

Convocatoria a China de Movilidad Estudiantil Internacional 2025-2 (Primavera 2025)
Cierre interno: 9 de octubre de 2024

Procedimiento para participar

Convocatoria Consorcio para la Colaboración de la Educación Superior en América del Norte (CONAHEC) Prmavera 2025
Cierre interno: 29 de agosto de 2024 (primer periodo) / 8 de octubre de 2024 (segundo periodo)

Procedimiento para participar (primer y segundo periodo)
Se asignaron los 8 lugares en el primer periodo.

Combined Study and Practice Stays for Engineers from Developing Countries (KOSPIE)
CONVOCATORIA 2025 – 2026 (Semestre UNAM 2026-1)
Cierre interno: 25 de septiembre de 2024

Procedimiento para participar

2025 Summer School on Brazilian Studies Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Procedimiento para participar
Cierre interno: 6 de diciembre de 2024

PITAAE Convocatoria 2024 2a etapa
Programa para el Impulso a la Titulación por Actividades Académicas en el Extranjero
Cierre interno para solicitar proyecto autorizado en Sede UNAM: 24 de abril de 2024
Cierre interno con proyecto propio: 16 de mayo de 2024

Procedimiento para participar

PAECI 3er Convocatoria 2024
Cierre interno: 17 de junio de 2024

Procedimiento para participar

Convocatoria UNAM para la XIV Edición del Programa para el Fortalecimiento de la Función Pública en América Latina - Fundación Botín

Procedimiento para participar

Convocatoria Hessen International Summer University (ISU) Marburg 2022

Procedimiento para participar



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