School of Engineering’s specific conditions and requirementsBachelor / Undergraduate

In order to carry out student mobility at the School of Engineering, students coming from other institutions must comply with the following conditions and requirements:

GPA and credit advancement requirements
  • Being a regular student (not be in arrears in credits and/or not owe any coursework).
  • Have a minimum GPA* (Grade Point Average) on the home institution grade scale, equivalent to 8.0 at UNAM (our approbatory scale goes from six to ten).
    See example chart below (minimum GPA section).
  • Have completed at least 50% of the credits of your plan of studies at the time of application.
    There is no quota for applications with a lower GPA or lower percentage of credits. Current enrollment is not considered for in-credit advancement.
  • It is mandatory to check the information published here to know the required GPA for each country, as well as our academic advisors and syllabi.
  • If a two-semester stay (an academic year) or an extension of stay is requested, enrollment for the second semester will be conditioned upon obtaining a minimum GPA of 8.0 in the subjects taken during the first semester of the stay.

* To simplify the analysis of requirements, the GPA and the grading scale used must be visible in the academic transcript or in an additional document.

Required documents

Subjects’ requirements
  • Indications on the courses to take     Details on non-available courses
  • If you will be taking courses at this School only, it is mandatory to include at least 7 subject options (the ones you mainly want to take and some additional others), foreseeing that some of them may not be offered, or in case of an incompatibility of schedules.
  • The application form must include the final version of the courses requested plus the additional ones from the start. Subsequent addition of courses is a resource available only in cases where the School’s response indicates that a course cannot be offered.
  • For quota reasons, priority will be given to those applications with a minimum of 3 authorized courses to be taken (except for applications with subjects to be taken at several UNAM campuses). That is the reason why it is important to include all additional subjects from the start.
Process’ requirements
  • Si se solicitará un segundo semestre de estancia, el interesado debe asegurarse que la solicitud incluya desde un principio, todos los documentos actualizados: historia académica (con promedio y avance), asignaturas inscritas al hacer la nueva solicitud, cartas de recomendación académica, etc. Incluso aunque se trata de semestres consecutivos. De no estar completo el expediente, no podrá ser analizado y será rechazado.
    If a two-semester stay is requested, the student must verify that the application includes all updated documents from the start: academic transcript (GPA and credit advancement), current enrollment at the time of the new application, academic reference letter(s), etc., even that they are consecutive semesters. If your application does not have all the documents mentioned above, it will not be analyzed and it will be rejected.
  • Is necessary to send the full documentation required by the School of Engineering.
  • Your application must be received within the dates indicated on the program call and/or by the School of Engineering.
    The nomination and sending of the file must be carried out by the area responsible for mobility office of the home university.
  • Any other additional requirement established on the program call.
Minimum GPA equivalent to 8.0 at the UNAM

At the UNAM, “8” corresponds to the middle point within our approbatory scale (which goes from 6 to 10). The equivalent for 8.0 on another scale will be the grade in the middle of that approbatory scale:

Approbatory scale Grade required
7 a 10 (Costa Rica) ≥ 8.50
5 a 10 (España / Brasil) ≥ 7.50
3 a 5 (Colombia) ≥ 4.00
4 a 7 (Chile) ≥ 5.50
11 a 20 (Perú) ≥ 15.50
1 a 4 (USA y Canadá) ≥ 2.50
4 a 1 -inversa- (Alemania) ≤ 2.50
8 a ≥14 (Francia) ≥ 11.00

It will be possible to request an examination for any other approving scale different from those here considered: you need to send an official document indicating your home university’s approving scale, as well as your GPA, to verify its coincidence with the grade in the middle of the scale.

Do you have questions about the minimum GPA we require and how it applies to your home university's scale?
Contact us, we can help you:

Response and letter of acceptance

Our School has a Student Mobility Commission made up of academics, which collegially analyzes and decides on the applications and, if applicable, issues the acceptance and/or observations deemed pertinent.

The Student Mobility Commission makes an attentive and detailed analysis in order to respond with the most accurate information about the subjects that will be available for your exchange program. Therefore, the first criterion for acceptance will be the correct preparation of the application. Incomplete or out of date applications will not be accepted. We kindly ask you to pay close attention to the requirements and indications described here.



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