To promote and manage actions and projects with an international profile, with the aim of contributing to the incorporation of the international and intercultural dimension into the core functions of our academic entity.
To connect the School of Engineering with foreign higher education institutions and other entities within our University, as well as with UNAM’s international campuses, through projects, agreements, and collaborative networks. The purpose of these efforts is to implement academic collaboration actions, student mobility, academic exchange, and participation in international research projects.
- To represent the School of Engineering before the UNAM International Head Office (CRAI in spanish) and its Office for International Cooperation (DGECI in spanish), participating in the Internationalization Responsibles University Network (RURI in spanish) and the undergraduate Student Mobility Academic Committee (CAMEL in spanish).
- To coordinate the liaison and creation of projects with UNAM Offices Abroad, as well as with universities represented in the UNAM International Unit of Foreign Universities.
- To coordinate virtual and in-person meetings with representatives from foreign universities interested in direct collaboration with our School.
- To coordinate with the academic departments of our School the activities related to the implementation of new collaboration agreements, as well as to apply and extend existing ones, leveraging them to facilitate international activities for students and academic staff.
- To coordinate and implement the Student Mobility Program of the School of Engineering, and to manage student participation in semester exchanges, research stays, academic stays for degree completion, language training programs, and other related activities.
- To promote and coordinate "internationalization at home" activities for students and academic staff of the School of Engineering.
- To promote the curricular internationalization of our study programs, such as COIL courses, the teaching of subjects in English, and the exploration of opportunities to establish double degree programs.
- Promote and follow up on academic exchange activities, considering strategies to link these experiences and established contacts with research stays for our students.
- Advise and support the areas of the School of Engineering on matters related to internationalization.