Important considerations on available courses Bachelor / Undergraduate

Important: equivalence or approval of the courses taken corresponds exclusively to the home university.

At the School of Engineering all courses* are offered in each academic period, regardless of whether they are of even or odd semester in the curricular map.

* The number of groups offered in an alternate semester may be less than in the semester they correspond to. For the elective subjects of our plans, it should be considered that the number of groups offered always depends on demand. In the case of Environmental Engineering, it should be considered that since it is a recently created career and it has a very small enrollment, most of its subjects could be one single group.

See the “Non-available courses” and “Subjects list” sections below.

Some subjects in the plan of studies of our School require mandatory and indicative prior knowledge to be able to take them. If this is the case, the student must have already taken subjects in which this background knowledge is covered in order to be authorized to take the requested courses.
The thematic content of the subjects is published in the Academic Programs section of the School of Engineering's website. See link below.

We recommend a maximum of 5 courses to be taken (the Civil Engineering area recommends a maximum of 4) during your stay here.

Advice on the number of subjects to be taken does not limit the courses you can include in your application; it is necessary for you to consider additional courses as possible options for enrollment, in case some of your main options are not available due to a schedule incompatibility or quota limitations..

It is mandatory to include at least 7 subject options (the ones you mainly want to take and some additional others), in the application form, foreseeing that some of them may not be offered, or to solve a schedule incompatibility. A maximum of 9 subjects can be included in the application form.

You can only apply for subjects from the curriculum map appearing in the 2016/2020/2021 version

They can be from even or odd semester, but considering:
- You can apply for courses from a maximum of two careers of our School.
- They must be taken from the sixth semester onwards in our 10-semester programs, or from the fifth semester onwards in our 9-semester programs.
- They cannot be within the restrictions described in the “Non-available courses” section below.

See “Non-available courses” section below.
2023 plan is only a restructuring: it has same subjects as 2016/2020/2021 plans on each career. Courses from former plans 2010 version are no longer offered.
How to avoid problems with subjects without offered groups or schedule incompatibilities.

It is important to take precautions on this matter for semester’s class schedules are published too close to enrollment dates. To avoid inconveniences and last hour adjustments, we suggest including additional courses in your application from the start, so that you have options to reorganize your class schedule. Thus, in case of inconvenience with a course, you will be able to substitute it with another already approved courses, making sure you will cover your required academic load.In addition to this, in case one or more of your requested subjects are not offered, the acceptance letter will indicate the deadline for receiving the request for addition of subjects (it is mandatory to comply with this date).

Click on the career of your choice: there will be two buttons for the curriculum map. Once there visit the “Mapa curricular 2016” (or 2020/2021). You can read the thematic content of the subjects in the links below the curriculum map (“Tomo II temarios”).

Do not forget to see the “Non-available courses” and “Subjects list” sections below on this page.

Academic advising on our subjects

For advice on the necessary background and thematic content of our careers, please consult our academic career managers, who will be able to provide guidance on these details. Undergraduate Program Director’s (spanish)

Non-available courses

Undergraduate programs not available for academic exchange

Undergraduate programs not available (in whole or in part) to welcome exchange students are indicated on the incoming mobility home page; subjects exclusively taught in those specific careers cannot be offered to exchange students.

Non-available quota on Basic, Social, and Human Sciences subjects

Yellow and green rectangles in our curriculum map.
Unfortunately, those subjects are highly demanded by our students and there is no available quota for exchange students on them. We encourage you to consult the academic offer of these areas in other Schools within Ciudad Universitaria campus.

Non-available quota in curriculum map’s first semesters subjects

Unfortunately, considering these subjects are within the highest demand semesters, there is no available quota for exchange students in the first five semesters’ subjects of our ten semester programs, as well as in the first four semesters’ subjects of our nine semester programs.
Nevertheless, given the minimum progress required to receive exchange students, it is considered the applicant will have already taken equivalent subjects.

Non-available quota in subjects related to degree process

Due to enrollment type and work specific method, it is not possible to offer subjects related to our students’ degree process, such as: Seminario de Titulación para Ingenieros en Computación (clave 2955), Proyecto de Investigación de Ingeniería en Computación (clave 2952), Proyectos de Investigación Eléctrico- Electrónico (clave 3001), Proyectos de Investigación en Telecomunicaciones (clave 2304).

We suggest not including them in the application form and choosing other options of our elective courses instead.

Other courses NOT OFFERED*

The following courses from applied engineering or engineering science are frequently requested, but they have not been available for exchange students due to quota reasons, regulations or for its realization features.


* This list is generated from applications rejected in previous semesters.

Curricular Courses Taught in English

The School of Engineering is running a pilot program with courses in which a group conducts the class entirely in English. The number of available courses will gradually increase until offerings are available for all our undergraduate programs.

Check the list of courses available in English

Subjects list

Code and subject catalog

Considering what has been described on this page relating to availability and subject restrictions, here is a tool to consult those courses that could be considered in an application form.

The final schedule of courses offered in each academic period depends on several factors. Therefore, some subjects may not be scheduled during the semester of the exchange.

   (at least 5 characters long)
Code Subject Program Semester Type Map Thematic content

 Sin resultados.
Group scheduling for the current semester

The final offer of subjects to be offered in each semester is defined and published two weeks before the beginning of the semester. It is not possible to provide it earlier. Nevertheless, as preliminary reference (offer changes from semester to semester), our School has a search engine to consult the group offerings for the current period:
Courses schedules (spanish)



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