Documentary Requirements Bachelor / Undergraduate

Regardless of the documentation required by the program or call for applications that correspond, the application must include the following documentation needed for this School:

  • Application through the UNAM call for applications system for incoming mobility (national or international). Or, if applying by other means, it is necessary an application letter addressed to the Head of the School of Engineering, Dr José Antonio Hernández Espriú.

  • Data registration (data capture from the UNAM call for applications) or whichever is indicated if applying by other means. Include at least two e-mail addresses, one of them must be of an open platform (Outlook, Gmail, etc.). If applying by other means, a letter including the following is required: full name, nationality, date of birth, home university, degree program, campus, GPA, credit advancement, and contact information (two e-mail addresses, one of them from an open platform). For foreign students, it is also required to specify their country of residence, passport number, and passport expiration date.
  • An Academic Transcript showing courses already taken, as well as its grades, updated up to the most recent semester. For universities in non-Spanish-speaking countries, it must be written or translated into Spanish or English. Foreign students must submit the grading scale corresponding to their home university.

    The academic transcript must include GPA, credit advancement, and grading scale (if possible). In case any of this information does not appear in the academic transcript, an additional document including it must be attached.
  • Proof of GPA and credit advancement in case the academic transcript does not include it. Attach it to the academic transcript PDF.
  • Proof of enrollment showing the courses taken during the semester in which the application is submitted (semester prior to the exchange).

    It is mandatory to include proof of enrollment showing the name of the courses taken during the semester in which you are applying. If the proof of enrollment from the IES of origin does not include them, please attach a class schedule showing the name of the current courses.
  • Signed Motivation Letter. It must explain why you want to carry out mobility in this School and include the academic reasons for taking the courses requested.
    It is a freely written paper addressed to the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
    In case of UNAM call participation, in the apply system, attach to the PDF of "Specific requirements - School of Engineering".
  • Academic Reference Letter (at least one, preferably two). Document issued by a professor from the participant’s home university. Freely written paper through which the signing teachers support the request of the interested person.
    In case of UNAM call participation, in the apply system, attach to the PDF of "Specific requirements - School of Engineering".
  • List of courses to be taken at this School (no more than five). It must include their names and codes, and it must be authorized by the home university.
    The list has to be registered in the UNAM call for applications system. Please ask for assistance in case of applying by other means.
  • List of additional courses . This is for counting on options to substitute in case of drawbacks related to offer or schedule. It also must be authorized and must include all names and codes as well. Between courses to be taken and additional others, a maximum of 9 courses may be accumulated.
  • If you are requesting courses from the last semesters of our careers (compulsories or electives), you must show the syllabi of the courses previously and currently taken at your home university (this can be done by a shared file in the cloud), for our academic area to verify that you comply with the necessary background corresponding to the courses of our curriculum map.
  • A Spanish Language Certificate (B2 level) is required for foreign non-Spanish speaking students.
    Information about SIELE certification
    Information about DELE certification
  • National students need to submit a copy of the proof of validity of the IMSS student health insurance or major medical expenses insurance policy with coverage throughout Mexico.
    For foreign students a letter in which they commit (in case of acceptance) to contract a medical insurance policy with coverage throughout Mexico valid for the duration of their stay is required.
  • For research stay, thesis or terminal project or another similar activity at the end of the degree, include the academic protocol indicating the topic and area of interest, as well as a work plan proposal; the above endorsed by the institution of origin. If contact has already been established with a faculty member for this activity, please indicate their contact information and area of assignment.
  • In case within the UNAM call for applications system any documents cannot be add to the PDF of "Specific requirements - School of Engineering", we suggest attaching them to a shared file in the cloud (Google Drive, One Drive, etc.) verifyingthat it links correctly and does not require a login to access to its content. This link must be in a PDF file so you can attach it to Specific Requirements..
  • At the beginning of your stay, you must submit to the School of Engineering a copy of the medical insurance policy with coverage in Mexico that will be in effect during your stay (foreign students) or of the student health insurance (national students), as well as a letter of commitment from the School of Engineering (which will be sent during the registration process for the semester).
If any documents were issued in a language different from Spanish
A non-certificate translation of them to Spanish must be submitted.



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